Mentorship Mixer

Tuesday February 21st, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Registration Deadline: Friday, February 17th at 11:59 PM
Location: TBD

Being A Mentee

The greatest benefits to be gained from any mentoring relationship come from how the mentee uses what their mentor can provide them. MISSO members are encouraged to participate in the mentorship program as it will help in many facets of your future such as:

Business and life skills.  As a mentee, you can also learn valuable business and life skills from your mentor, including best business practices, appropriate behaviors and protocols.

Insight.  A good mentor can also arrange experiences, such as participation in meetings, events or work experience, which will enable you to get insight into an organization’s culture and systems, or how a specific role is performed in that organization.

Perspective and Vision.  Discussions with your mentor will stretch your thinking by providing you with another perspective to your own, as well as the benefit of your mentor’s vision, which comes from their wider experience.

Wisdom and learning from past experiences.  As a mentee, you can also benefit greatly from hearing the lessons that your mentor has learned along the way through their past experiences – both their successes and failures.

Improved performance.  A good mentor will provide you with valuable feedback or make suggestions that will enable you to improve your skills or to experience personal growth, ultimately leading to your improved performance.

* This event is open to paid members only.

Being A Mentor

Share your knowledge with a young professional. Even if you’ve never wanted to be a teacher, sharing your knowledge with someone else can be empowering. Help other professionals avoid pitfalls you may have faced in your career, become better at specific tasks or assignments, or learn to navigate the organization you’re working for.

Build additional professional relationships. Although you probably have a variety of professional connections at this stage in your career, a mentor-mentee relationship offers different benefits than other acquaintance-like relationships. You’re certainly more connected to your mentee than other networking contacts. Not only can your mentee introduce you to people to add to your network, but you can do the same for them too.

Develop leadership and management skills. Becoming a mentor can help you learn how to oversee and guide others. Discover how to manage younger workers and tap into your leadership abilities through advising a mentee.

Give back to your industry. Mentoring is an opportunity to help young professionals improve their skills, continue their education, and become better at their jobs. Not only does it help your industry (and perhaps your organization, should you mentor someone within it), but it can also make you feel good by helping someone else.